Chalo Passenger 정보
Brilliant app for taxi companies to help passengers book their taxis
The passenger can engage the taxi from anywhere at anytime. They can login into their account by providing the details of mobile number and password. Passenger can also login using facebook option. The passenger can manage their profile. They can also view the details of current trip, trip history, and trip plans. The passenger has to provide the pick up and drop location and other details to book the taxi. The passenger can view the nearby taxis that are available for booking using GPS facility. Taxi fare is calculated based on the distance automatically. Payments can be flexibly done via cash or card.
Some of the features of Chalo – Passenger app includes:
1. Register/login/facebook login
2. Profile management
3. Current trip
4. Trip history
5. Locate taxi on map
6. Book taxi or Cancel trip
7. Pickup/drop location
8. Booking details
9. Waiting time
10. Driver name
11. Taxi fare
12. e-Receipt
13. Payment option (card/cash)
14. Rate the driver
15. Social share