Checkers 정보
Checkers is a board game for two players, get it now for free!
Checkers is a board game for two players, get it now for free!
Checkers is a strategy game where players move pieces across an 8 by 8 cross board.
Game features:
- Bluetooth mode!
- Auto save.
- Undo button
- Play free as much as you want
- Optimized for Tablets and phones
- Challenging AI
- Works perfect even without network, offline game.
- Choose to play with other player or with AI or with Bluetooth
Pieces moves only diagonally. If a player can move one of his pieces so that it jumps over an adjacent piece of their opponent and into an empty space, that player captures the opponent's disc. Jumping moves must be taken when possible, thereby creating a strategy game where players offer up jumps in exchange for setting up the board so that they jump even more pieces on their turn. A player wins by removing all of his opponent's pieces from the board.
A players Checkers or pieces may only move forward. There are two main moves that can be made during the game. capturing moves can occur when a player jumps over the opponents piece. The capturing move can only be done when the square is behind is open too. This then means that it’s not possible to jump an opponent’s piece around a corner.
Pieces can not move more than 1 square. the king is the only game piece that can move diagonally, forward and backward. The king piece can also only move to vacant squares to capture a piece, all you have to do is to jump over the piece, to jump over a piece and capture it you will need to make sure that you piece is diagonally jumping over the piece you would like to capture. A king piece can also jump forward, backward and diagonally. Multiple jumps are jumps that are designed to give the player the opportunity to jump over and capture more than one piece at a time.