Chem Calcs 정보
Chem Calcs provides basic calculation related to physical quantities & chemistry
CHEM CALCS features the 5 following calculators:
1. Molarity Calculator
The Molarity Calculator tool will allow you to find the mass required to prepare a solution of known volume & concentration, find the volume of solution required to dissolve a known mass to a specific molarity or find a concentration of a solution resulting from a known mass & volume.
2. Dilution Calculator
The Dilution Calculator tool will allow you to determine the required volume of a stock solution of known concentration to make a final solution of desired volume & concentration. This tool greatly simplifies the everyday tasks of making solutions in the lab.
3. Unit Converter
A comprehensive unit converter tool capable of converting over 32 units in 6 different types of measurements including the following:
Distance converter (m, ft, in, cm, mm, yards & km)
Speed converter (m/sec, ft/sec, in/sec, cm/sec, miles/hr, km/hr, knots)
Area converter (m2, ft2, in2, yd2, acres, km2, miles2)
Volume converter (liters, m3, cm3, ft3, in3, yards3)
Weight converter (kg, g, oz, lbs, tons)
Temperature converter (Celcius, Farenheit, Kelvin)
4. Cell Culture Reference Charts
Reference charts for cell culture dishes, plates & flasks showing vital data such as growth surface area, cell seeding density, number of cells at confluency, volume of growth media necessary & required versene or trypsin volume for cell detachment.
5. Conversions for Media
Unit of measure conversion tool for powder and AGT™ media that converts gibco powder and AGT™ media products between KG and L.