ChemoSafe 정보
ChemoSafe는 유해 약물의 안전한 취급을위한 권장 사항을 제공합니다.
ChemoSafe enables you to evaluate how hazardous drugs are handled at every point of interaction in your healthcare facility, and benchmark current practices against international standards for safety and quality. With recommendations about how to improve safety, you can develop action plans to minimize harmful exposure to hazardous drugs for health workers and patients.
Key features:
• Easy to complete self-assessment, based on yes or no questions
• Recommendations on how to make quality and safety improvements according to international standards
• References supporting each recommendation
• Resources to support further action
• Ability to use the app offline to account for low-connectivity environments
• Capability to record progress made over time to improve chemotherapy safety
The ChemoSafe app was created by IBM, through a philanthropic partnership with the American Cancer Society, in an effort to raise the quality of cancer care in low-resource settings.