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Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) is an independent information security certification governed by the International Information Systems Security Certification Consortium, also known as (ISC)².
As of May 2014, (ISC)² reports 93391 members hold the CISSP certification worldwide, in 149 countries.
The CISSP curriculum covers subject matter in a variety of Information Security topics.[8] The CISSP examination is based on what (ISC)² terms the Common Body of Knowledge (or CBK). According to (ISC)², "the CISSP CBK is a taxonomy – a collection of topics relevant to information security professionals around the world. The CISSP CBK establishes a common framework of information security terms and principles that allow information security professionals worldwide to discuss, debate and resolve matters pertaining to the profession with a common understanding."[9]
The CISSP certification covers the following ten domains:
Access control
Telecommunications and network security
Information security governance and risk management
Software development security
Security architecture and design
Operations security
Business continuity and disaster recovery planning
Legal, regulations, investigations and compliance
Physical (environmental) security
Candidates for the CISSP must meet several requirements:
Possess a minimum of five years of direct full-time security work experience in two or more of the ten (ISC)² information security domains (CBK). One year may be waived for having either a four-year college degree, a Master's degree in Information Security, or for possessing one of a number of other certifications from other organizations.[11] A candidate not possessing the necessary five years of experience may earn the Associate of (ISC)² designation by passing the required CISSP examination. The Associate of (ISC)² for CISSP designation is valid for a maximum of six years from the date (ISC)² notifies the candidate of having passed the exam. During those six years a candidate will need to obtain the required experience and submit the required endorsement form for certification as a CISSP. Upon completion of the professional experience requirements the certification will be converted to CISSP status.[12]
Attest to the truth of their assertions regarding professional experience and accept the CISSP Code of Ethics.
Answer four questions regarding criminal history and related background.
Pass the CISSP exam with a scaled score of 700 points or greater out of 1000 possible points. The exam is multiple choice, consisting of 250 questions with four options each, to be answered over a period of six hours. 25 of the questions are experimental questions which are not graded.
Have their qualifications endorsed by another CISSP in good standing. The endorser attests that the candidate's assertions regarding professional experience are true to the best of their knowledge, and that the candidate is in good standing within the information security industry.