Clap Phone Finder - Finding Phone 정보
앱이 박수 치는 소리를 감지하여 분실 한 휴대 전화의 위치를 알려줍니다.
► This Program will allow you to find your phone by clap, If you have ever lost a phone in your room, bag, desk, car or anywhere. Mobile detects sound of clapping and then informs you about the location of your lost mobile. You only have to Clap and your phone will start vibrating, emitting a loud sound and flashlight and help to find out tour phone.
► You can use this app as Loud Whistle Phone Finder and Loud Speak to Find Phone.
☻ How to use app? :-
► Start the application.
► There are Setting option → Sound » Vibration » Flashlight to get location of lost phone. Use any of these From which as you want that make easily to find your lost mobile.
► Start service :- Just ON Service of the app and free yourself from the tension of finding your phone.
► Torch LED Flashlight - ON/OFF :- Quick and easy torch has a power button to (enable/disable) only a single click. This mode is very helpful specially when you are in dark and you can easily find any little thing.
Note:- Please Clapping clearly and quite loudly. Clap detection depends on built-in microphone and number of noises and sounds of surrounding.
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