CMAYA Services 정보
서비스 응용 프로그램은 고객의 불만을 처리 할 수있는 현장 직원을 위해 개발되고있다.
Service app is developed for the field staff to handle customer complaints and resolve them.
Complaint tickets raised by call center and help desk executives are routed to the hand held devices of the field engineers with details of the complaint.
These complaint tickets can be closed by the field staff on resolving the issues.
What it does?
The application provides a list of pending service requests and complaints assigned to a support engineer. The support engineer can view the service requests and send updates real time. The app then provides a comprehensive overview of the service request/complaint and predefined options to update or close the ticket with a custom comment.
What are the features of this application?
• Helps the support staff to view the assigned service requests on the go.
• Helps the engineer to update the server about the current status of the service requests as it is being resolved.
• The engineer can add a new status, close or re-assign the service requests.