Columbia Visits 정보
Columbia Visits는 Columbia College Chicago를 방문하는 가장 좋은 방법입니다!
Columbia Visits is the best way for you to visit Columbia College Chicago. Whether you are on or off-campus, Columbia Visits will generate a personalized tour tailored to you and your interests. Tour and browse custom curated content with in-app navigation and augmented reality exploration.
With Columbia Visits, you can:
• Take a personalized tour with custom content tailored to you
• Take a self-guided version of the Admission’s official student-led tour
• If on Columbia's campus:
◦ Navigate campus
◦ identify and learn about points of interest around campus using Augmented Reality
• If off-campus:
◦ Virtually visit each stop
◦ Listen to or read content about Columbia's campus, history, traditions, student life and academics
◦ Browse images and videos along your tour
Columbia Visits offers engaging tours for all visitors including prospective students, families, students, and tourists!