아무것도 살아 올 수 경험.
Imagine yourself listening to any great personality face-to-face. Not in a dream, neither on television or a bumper prize offer. It can be done anytime, anywhere, through the Come Alive application. It is an Augmented Reality based application that can make literally anything come alive for the viewer. Not in reality, but close-to-reality in the virtual world. Any object, any celebrity, a mentor, any person, a dish, a sport and what not, can be enabled in a 3-dimensional audio-visual for a holistic view. It is an innovative, next generation of technology platform that enables transformation of a simple 2-dimensional image into a complete virtual experience. Come Alive is a very user-friendly application software that is easily available free of cost on the play store with our company name. It smoothly deploys in a smartphone and syncs in well with its camera. Once done, the requisite image can be scanned through the camera, and voila, the image comes alive before the viewer, as good as in real. This application simulates the human brain to explore things available closely, to ensure better motivation and understanding process for the viewer. In comparison to the same boring text or image, the Come Alive application immerses the viewer in its exhilarating experience. Words are simply not enough. View it, feel it, experience it to believe it.