Community Change Makers 정보
CMM은 모든 사람들을위한 자유를지지하고 홍보하는 사회적 운동이며,
Who we are
Communitychangemakers is a movement incorporated as a not for profit (charity) organisation advocating and promoting freedom for all, promoting talent and skills, community development, equality for all, fighting for the poor masses on issues affecting their health, education, culture, employment, freedom of speech, basic amenities, influencing policy making, youth in politics, citizen advocacy and promoting citizen journalism and activism.
The communitychangemakers uses technology like our smartphone app as a tool that is very effective in capturing and tracking issues, disease and crime outbreak, events, projects, policies in our communities in order to provide sustainable solutions and to engage our leaders for proper attention in addressing these issues.
Our CCM clubs are established in schools, colleges, universities and communities to bring everyone together, plan and take steps to be involve and responsible in building and developing their communities.
The use of performing arts and other sport activities like music, dance, drama, football, talent hunts, campus rock events to bring the community together to curb crimes, promote community development, peace and prosperity for everyone.
Communitychangemakers also uses the online community platform such as facebook, twitter, instagram, whatsapp to reach out to the people in their communities.
Communitychangemakers promotes citizen advocacy, activism and journalism by encouraging the youth, ordinary community men and women including the everyday people to report stories about their community issues, events, crimes, disease outbreak, corruption, human rights abuses and other political misconduct in England, Africa and around the world through our smartphone app.