Comptia A+ 220-901 & 220-902 정보
IT 전문가가되기위한 길을 시작합니다
The CompTIA A+ certification is the essential computer technician credential and it is required by over 100 leading employers in the field, incorporating a broad range of IT skills, from hardware and networking to operating systems and security.
Covering 100% of the objectives of 220–901 and 220–902 exams, this mobile application is your complete solution for exam preparation, even on the go.
This app works perfectly for self-assessment, providing you an interactive practicing environment with features like electronic flashcards, real test simulation with answer keys at the end, and practice questions with immediate feedback.
Install the app now and get ready to approach your big day with confidence and pass with flying colors! :mortar_board:
What's new in the latest 2020.4.8
- Fixed a crash when the user was resuming a practice session with an old format