Cool Astronaut Art Space Logscreen 정보
지구상에서 멋진 우주 비행사 우주 예술 로그 스크린!
Always loved space? Look at this HD wallpaper with beautiful art on your screen when you bored or dreamy. You just select which image you like and then you just turn it into wallpaper on your mobile phone. These stunning space wallpapers show bright stars and planets, along with incredible nebula clouds whose gas and dust create amazing colors you’d never imagine existing in the vastness of outer space. Go to space and beyond with this comfortable APP!
Choose this APP LOCK to stay in style!It's free, it's saving your memory space, battery charge and it's ready to make you trendy! With this application you can customise your screen and make it beautifull looking and cool. Easy in using quality HD wallpaper.
This application doesn't provide unbeateble security as stock phone lock screen. IT'S FOR STYLIZATION ONLY! Give all the permission for our lockscreen in order to it work properly!
This images used only in aesthetic aims.No copiright infringement is intended, and ane request to remove one of the images will be honored!