Cool Wallpapers 정보
멋진 배경 화면은 훌륭한 HD 멋진 테마 벽지입니다
Absolutely Cool Wallpapers for your android device for free !
You can't find some cool wallpaper just for your smartphone ? 🔝🆒😎 You're on right place. It's time to add some coolness to your boring home-screen. Be amazed of our hand-picked 'Cool Wallpapers' just for you. 🔝🆒😎 While some people change their wallpapers once occasionally, some people change it every other day.
No matter what your habits are, having a cool wallpaper for smartphone is always a good thing. Typography wallpapers are a pretty requested resource because most of them have a inspirational or funny message, besides the really cool typography. In this app we cover animals, nature, retro and vintage, illustrations and artwork, abstract, space.
So we have assembled the best Cool wallpapers to make your smartphone or tablet look great.
Feel free to share Cool Wallpapers on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram and anywhere on the internet.
Do not be an exception, set yourself cool wallpaper and enjoy the wallpaper on your android device without restrictions!
Choose among hundreds of Cool Images for Men & Women and experience the best phone customization ever.
Superb HD quality and extremely small size.
Best Mobile App and APK Free Download!- New Wallpaper For Tablet, Smartphone & Mobile Phone.
Easy to find and easy to use! Check out this Cool New App today!
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ powered by MODUX Apps _______________________________________________________________________________________________
*Easy to use User Interface
*Set Wallpapers on the go
*Social Sharing Button
*Set the wallpaper
*Read from external storage
*Read only access to device state
*Write to external storage
*Allows an application to receive messages via Google Cloud Messaging
*Allows installation of home screen shortcuts
*Modify or delete the contents of your SD card : To store the downloaded wallpapers in your phone memory.
Disclaimer - All images are copyright of their perspective owners. No copyright infringement is intended, and any request to remove one of the images will be honored.
What's new in the latest 2.1
** Mandatory Security fix
** More New Wallpapers
** Performance fix
** Update theme