CPU Z 정보
CPU의 Z, 장치 정보, 전화 CPU, 하드웨어 전화, 하드웨어 정보
Cpu z provide for you information of hardware phone. Test Phone & Phone Info
This application will displays detailed information on the CPU and hardware components of an Android device
Features of cpu z:
Cpuz provides information about.
Cpu information:
Main info:
+ model name
+ codes
+ architecture
+ clock speed
+ host
+ cache size
+ Scaling Gvernor
+ Loading cpu
Other info: processor,vendor id,cpu family,microcode address,cpu z MHZ,model...
GPU information:
+ Vendor version
+ Renderer
+ Version
+ Extensions
Device informaiton :
+ Device name
+ Model
+ Manufacturer
+ Brand
+ Broard
+ Resolution
+ Serial number
+ Hardware
+ Host
+ Product
+ Display
+ Screen size,Screen resolution,screen density.
System information:
+ Version
+ API level
+ Version name
+ Build ID,Build time
+ Fingeprint
+ Kernel architecture
+ Kernel version
+ Bootloader
+ Java VM
+ OpenGLES
+ Root Access: check root phone.
Memory information:
This feature prodives about RAM,Internal storage,external storage
+ Duration Ram
+ Free Ram
+ Duration of internal vs external storage
+ Free duration of internal vs external storage.
Battery information:
+ Level
+ Temperature
+ Health
+ Voltage
+ Technology
+ Status
+ Power source.
Network information:
+ IP address
+ Mac Address
+ DNS.(DNS1,DNS2..)
+ DHCP server.DHCP lease
+ Data type
+ Link speed
+ Security
+ Netmask
+ Gateway.
Camera information:Front,Back Camera : resolution,flash,focus modes...
Sensor information:
+ Sensor name
+ Vendor
+ Version,Type
+ Max range,resolution,power,min delay.
Feature information:
This feature check support of the hardware phone :
You can use this feature to check phone before buy it at store phone.
+ Wifi direct,Wifi
+ Camera Flash
+ Bluetooth,Bluetooth LE
+ Mircophone
+ Multitouch
+ USB Host
+ USB Accessory.
Share vs Rate application:
+ Share via : Facebook,Messenger,Gmail,Google plus,Hangouts,Skype,Messaging,SMS,Email,Bluetooth...
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