Crazy Clock for Android 2017 정보
Crazy Clock for Android 2017 along with Digital Clock and Analog Clock style
Welcome to Clock for Android 2017 with beautiful Analog clock and Digital Clock Capability. If you are facing problem Can't Wake Up in the morning don’t worry Clock for Android 2017 have additional upcoming feature of Alarm Clock free to use with Snooze Music background / Snooze time customization. You can add your own Wake up Music background. The most important upcoming feature of Clock for Android 2017 is to add reminder Alarm clock were you can right simple reminder to accomplish your daily task smoothly or creating your own Awake Test. We will include these Alarm Clock features in Upcoming Update.
Clock for Android 2017 is one of the best and important gadgets for your android mobile. Clock for Android is an application which provides you Digital watch and Analog watch feature for their user’s certification. Clock for Android 2017 has vast background temple library of live wallpaper, Stylish clock backgrounds for Girls, Stylish clock backgrounds for men, Stylish clock backgrounds for women. We have built this application for everyone. Clock for Android 2017 supports 12/24 time format, display month and day of the week according to current language and location.
There are two types of appearance: Digital Clock and Analog Clock style
Clock for Android 2017 Key features:
*Clock for Android 2017 supports different languages
* you can resize of the clock appearance;
* Show Clock second hand;
* Show Clock current date;
* Select primary and secondary colors of Clock;
* Change Clock background logo text;
* Change theme of Clock for Android 2017
* you can Horizontal and vertical alignment the Clock.