Credit Score Report Check : Credit Score Ranking 정보
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Credit Score Report Check : Credit Score Ranking
Want to check what your creditscore is? Having a high score can benefit you in many different ways, rent an apartment, making it much easier for you to get a loan, and even lower your insurance rates.
IN INDIA 79% OF THE LOANS APPROVED ARE FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH A SCORE GREATER THAN 750. Your Credit Information Report (CIR) is an evidence of your credit worthiness.
The following are the ways you can follow to keep a high credit score:
- Watch the credit card balances. Make the payments on a monthly basis and don’t let it spill over by paying just the minimum amount due. - - You will be charged a heavy interest on the remaining balance.
- Eliminate nuisance balances. If you have credit cards with small balances due, then clear them off at the earliest or transfer it to another existing card. This way you are not polluting your credit report with a lot of balances.
- If you have diligently paid off a debt, then leave the record in your credit report.
This way future lenders will know that you are serious about making a commitment to paying off a loan and you do so in an orderly manner. This makes you an ideal customer.
Important FAQs:-
A. What is a credit score?
A credit score is an indicator of a borrower’s ability to make credit payments on time. It is calculated after evaluating multiple information patterns such as your past credit report, loan payment history, current income level, etc.
A credit report is a crucial element nowdays simply because there is a lot of risk involved in lending money, and banks are very cautious with it. Before lending money the bank needs to make sure that you don't have any unpaid bills or bad debts. So for that reason they check your credit ratings.
B. Why is it important for me to know my credit score?
Knowing your credit score enables you to make better credit decisions. Almost all financial lending institutions evaluate your credit score before approving your credit application. Having a bad credit score increases the chances of your loan application being rejected. Flipside, a good credit score improves your chances of negotiating a lower interest rate.
A credit score is a numerical expression based on a level of analysis of a person's credit files, to represent the creditworthiness of an individual. A credit score is primarily based on a credit report information typically sourced from credit Bureaus.
In Australia, credit scoring is Widely accepted as the primary method of assessing creditworthiness.
The system of credit reports and scores in Canada is very similar to that in the United States and India, with two of the same reporting agencies active in the country.
In Germany, credit scoring is Widely accepted as the primary method of assessing creditworthiness.
In India, there are four credit information companies licensed by the Reserve Bank of India. The Credit Information Bureau (India) Limited (CIBIL) has functioned as a Credit Information Company from January 2001.
In Norway, credit scoring services are provided by three credit scoring agencies: Dun & Bradstreet, Experian and Lindorff Decision.
South Africa
Credit scoring is used throughout the credit industry in South Africa, with the likes of banks, micro-lenders, clothing retailers, furniture retailers, specialized lenders and insurers all using credit scores.
Sweden has a system for credit scoring that aims to find people with a history of neglect to pay bills or, most commonly, taxes.
United Kingdom
Credit Scoring in the United Kingdom is very different to that of the United States and other nations. There is no such thing as a universal credit score or credit rating in the UK.
United States
Main article: Credit score in the United States
In the United States, a credit score is a number based on a statistical analysis of a person's credit files