CRL Referee 정보
CRL 심판 앱을 사용하면 과제를 보고 게임 결과를 입력할 수 있습니다.
California Regional League is the largest youth soccer gaming circuit in the United States.
we're located in Southern California and it has participating teams from San Luis Obispo to the
Mexican border.
This app is for CRL Referees.
The CRL Referee App you can view your
assignments and quickly photograph match
reports and enter game results. Driving directions
to your games are a touch away. Lots more too!
. View your current assignments
. Access contact info for coaches, managers and
your referee team
. Receive notifications for urgent news and
schedule changes
. Get directions to fields and weekend weather
. Quickly enter scores and cards and send match
. View the CRL Rules
. Special soccer offers for Referees app users only