Cross Stitch Flowers 정보
grab the best cross stitch flower here!
Cross stitch flower is a form of stitchery that is very relaxing and also very rewarding. When you see your finished piece, framed and hanging on the wall, it is a special sight. These can make wonderful gifts for any occasion.
Using blended threads gives your piece a more lifelike appearance. When you look at a person, their hair is not all one color, it has shades. Blending threads, using one strand of one color and one strand of another color, gives your design more depth and dimension. It gives a more realistic feel to your artwork. This is also great for stitching animals, flowers, trees and anything else in your design that nature gives depth to.
If you are creating your own design you can transition from one color to another with blended threads. This will give a more realistic look and makes the design flow better. For instance, if you are designing flowers that have pink and purple in them, try taking one strand of pink and one strand of purple to blend between the two areas. For trees, use various shades of greens or green and brown.
This is a great way of adding shading to your design. You can use this method for reflections as well. If your design has flowers by a pond, then blend a shade from your water and a shade from your flowers to work into your reflection.
You can purchase many cross stitch patterns that include blended threads. Some of these claim they are for advanced cross stitchers but it truly is no more difficult.