Cryptos - Exchange rates Analysis 정보
Analysis and indications about the cryptocurrency market.
Analysis and indications about the cryptocurrency market.
The system every 10 minutes stores the current value of each coin analyzed in its own database.
With the stored data the average value of the exchange rate is calculated for each pair of cryptocurrencies, which comparing it with the current value helps us detect changes in the trend, helping to decide when it would be viable to change from one currency to another, taking advantage of of the exchange rate to obtain benefits.
In case there are deviations in the trend, the application will make trading valuations. Indicating to what exchange rate the ROI (return on investment) + benefits of 10, 20, 30% will be produced when returning the amount exchanged to the source currency.
The set of supported currencies is:
BTC: Bitcoin
BCH: Bitcoin Cash
LTC: Litecoin
ZEC: Zcash
ETH: Ethereum
ETC: Ethereum Classic
DSH: Dash
XMR: Monero
XRP: Ripple
DGE: Doge Coin
BCN ByteCoin
In addition to the real value, the exchange rates in Exchanges are also analyzed.
Currently supported Kraken, Poloniex and Bitfinex