오리의 모든 종류를 경청하는 오리 소리와 함께 소리!
Coming back from work, you decide to take a walk along the river. You see all kinds of lively sea animals flying around. The whole area is full of life! Of course, the one animal that stands out among all of them is definitely the duck! Quack quack! You cannot help but smile whenever you see the duck walking along with all his little cute ducklings. The ducks and ducklings all walk fast while making the most cute sounds you heard of all day! Quack quack! This is truly a duck day! As the night comes, the ducks and the ducklings all go to sleep and become quiet. But this doesn’t have to be the end! You can relive the experience with this app and listen to all kinds of duck sounds along with duckling sounds! Make sure to check out all the sounds and beautiful duck pictures that can be found in this app in order to make this yet another truly duck day! Quack quack!