Daily Harvest 정보
This app ignites passion for growing and harvesting fresh produce from your home
This app ignites grassroots passion for growing and sharing traditional, local variety seeds while encouraging the use of gardening & farming practices that improve long-term soil fertility, environmental health and human wellness.
Whether you’re a new or experienced gardener or farmer, having an expert guiding you on your journey ensures better results. When you join DailyHarvest you’ll get exclusive access to our suite of online, members-only growing resources view able on any system including app. You’ll learn how to easily turn your seeds into baskets full of organic produce, while saving time and money.
We’re realists who think that it’s become quite clear that industrial agriculture (as currently practiced) is a demonstrably bad answer to a good question: “How can we feed everyone in the world without destroying it?“ We’re optimists who believe we can help design a better food system: one seed, one person, one yard, and one farm at a time.
Want to harvest baskets full of delicious fresh produce from your home?
Try DailyHarvest risk-free for 30 days