DBSA Fort Worth 정보
우울증 양극성 지원 얼라이언스 포트 워스 & Tarrant 주 카운티 지원 그룹.
This app for Depression Bipolar Support Alliance Fort Worth and Tarrant County. The user will have access to meeting dates and times and what type of meeting we will be having. On speaker night meetings, 1st Friday of the month, the name of the speaker will be posted. Also during in-climate weather or holidays a notice will be given if the meeting is cancelled to save the user time instead of trying to navigate the web sites of channel 5 and 8 to find our support group in their vast listings on cancellations.
There is a folder that contains help and support articles that the user can download and/or print out for themselves. The articles will be changed periodically for the user to keep updated with the latest help and support documents. This allows the support group to save on printing costs of printing out batch articles to pass out at meetings.
We will be able to give the user access to many articles that SAMSHA has only on electronic download that we could not print all of them.