Deeper life GHS 정보
This is an Android App version of Deeper Life Gospel hymns and songs.(1-260)
This ANDROID APP is an eBook version of the DEEPER LIFE BIBLE CHURCH Gospel Hymns And Songs. Perfectly typed out of the Original New GHS, hymn 1-260. You can enjoy the text reading better when used in the landscape format.
This hymn version allows you:
-To scroll the pages,
-change font and background colour,
- change font size and spacing
-switch between day and night mode
-select any hymn from the Hymn index and Topical or Alphabetical index.
Incase you find any error with typesetting, arrangement, etc. , please contact me.
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: 0542462633 (+233)
With the help of APPMK eBook maker-Demo Version, this app was arranged by JIL-Designs( Asamoah Thomas Kofi ). A subset of JIL Multimedia Enterprise. An enterprise that deals with bible rebinding or repairs, graphic designing, etc. @ Ghana-kumasi, kwadaso.
NOTE: Am developing another better app with Java Eclispe-SDK. will update you when Completed. -JIL.