Destiny Church Of God By Faith 정보
We are a Church that believe that God is the Creator and Ruler of the Universe.
We are a Church that believe that God is the Creator and Ruler of the Universe. He has externally existed in
three persons the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We are made in the image of
God to be like him in character. We are the supreme objects of God's creation. We
believe we are created to exist forever, either separate from God by sin or in union
with God by forgiveness of our sin. We believe that scripture is the final
authority in all matters of faith and practice. We believe that Christians should
not be oath-bound to secret orders that do not follow scripture and practice the
things of God. We believe that Christians should speak as oracles of God that words
that speaks grace to the hearers.(Eph 4-29) We believe that Christians must conduct
themselves as children of God, letting there light shine (Shining Star) every were they go, so that others will be drawn to Christ.