detector metal pro 정보
I'm sure you gonna be addicted to this applucation after you try it
Turn on your smartphone into a metal detector with sound notification
Metal detector pro is the first set of the Smart Tools collection
Magnet Metal Detctor Applications require a magnetic sensor (magnetometer) ,his can only detect ferromagnetic metals ,It will not detect gold rush ,copper ,aluminum ,silver and copper coins made at the base.
They are classified as non-ferrous metals which have no magnetic field If this application is not working properly, check your specs, please.
Dector metal measures the magnetic field using a magnetic sensor that is built into your device's magnetic field level when all metals (steel, iron) is near the level of the magnetic field increases.
Usage is simple:
Open the application and make moving your device. The magnetic field level will constantly fluctuate. That's all! You can find electrical son in the walls (like a stud finder) and iron pipes in the ground.
The accuracy depends entirely on your magnetic sensor (magnetometer). Note that it is affected by electronic equipment (TV, PC, Microwave) due to electromagnetic waves.
* Main Features:
** Alarm Level
**Material Design