Device Hardware Info 2019 정보
MOST 종합 스마트 폰 정보 앱 중 하나입니다. 온라인!
Device HW Info, is a comprehensive hardware specification app for your Android device with detailed information about your smartphone including CPU, Operating System, Network, Device, Memory, Battery, Bluetooth, Processor, Hardware, Java and Device Display.
Beautiful, Easy to use interface just swipe right to view pages.
★★Operating System★★
★API Level
★Build ID
★Build Time
★Version Name
★OS Name
★Security Patch Date
★ Kernel
WiFi, Connection Status, Mobile, IP Address, MAC Address, SSID, Link Speed, BSSID, Frequency.
★★ Device★★
★ Model
★Serial Number
★Android ID
★Screen Resolution
★Boot Loader
★Host ID
Memory Total, Memory Free, Memory Available, Buffers, Cached, SwapCached, Active, Inactive, SwapFree, SwapTotal, Dirty, and much more.
Battery Temperature in Celsius and Fahrenheit, Battery Voltage, Battery Plug Type, Battery Health , Battery Level, Status, Battery Type, Charging Speed, Fast Charging.
★Scan Mode
★Bluetooth State
★ Bluetooth Discovery
★ Name
★ MAC Address.
CPU Processor, CPU Model, CPU Revision, CPU Part, CPU Implementer, CPU Variant, Features, Serial Number.
Bluetooth, Bluetooth LE, GPS, Camera Flash, Camera Front, Microphone, NFC, WiFi Direct, USB Host, USB Accessory, Multi-touch, Audio low-latency, Audio Output, Professional Audio, Consumer IR,
Gamepad Support, Printing, CDMA, GSM, Fingerprint.
★★Device Display★★
Screen size Name, Display dpi, Refresh rate, Screen Resolution, Name, Orientation, Screen Size .