Devil or Angel Destiny Run 정보
당신은 천사입니까 악마입니까 운명을 알려주는 재미 있고 간단한 응용 프로그램입니다
Devil or Angel Destiny Run is an application which take few seconds and decide that you are an Angel or a Devil!! Devil or Angel application perform mathematical and pragmatically operations to know about your destiny and then tell about the results.
Be Angel or be Devil!
Then Go to Heaven! Or Go to Hell! It is your fate!
So are you a good person or a naughty one?
Being a celebrity or a student, an imposter or a doctor, rich or poor; they do not matter! There is only one important judgement: Devil or an Angel.
The cool thing about the application is that you need not to answer any question and you need not to solve nay quiz ...
You just have to place your finger on your photo and
Wait for 3 seconds and then Devil or Angel Destiny Run will give the results.
This application is for entertainment purpose only.