Discover Forbinary 정보
forBinary 플랫폼에서 만든 앱의 기능 살펴보기!
Explore the features of the forBinary platform (World's first engagement & multilingual apps as a service platform) with "Discover forBinary", our official demo app. This app showcases the features and functionality available in the Basic app package from forBinary.
Using this app, your app users can:
- Stay connected with their organization at all times in their own native language
- Explore the broadcasting system where they can receives push notification messages sent by their organization authorities. Get targeted beautiful messages in various languages with photographs, pdfs and urls integrated.
- Browse all the related important information and resources at the tip of fingers
- Access all important contacts related to your organization directly through the app
- Make requests,provide suggestions, send issues, bugs etc. to the concerned authorities of their organization quickly through the application
- Explore customized profile sections
- View existing content from external sources or feeds from favorite sites natively in the app.
- Explore the unique form builder feature that allows organisations to collect any and every kind of data
forBinary Platform allows your organization complete control over your engagement app. To learn more about forBinary Platform and what we can do for your organization, please visit us