DP Image Calculator 정보
Android Developer bitmap image resource size calculator.
The DP Image Calculator helps you size your pixel based image resources for the Android platform.
Calculate the size in pixels for your image to correspond to Density-independent Pixels for Android Developers. Simply supply a width and a height in pixels and the calculator will calculate the low (drawable-ldpi), medium (drawable-mdpi), high (drawable-hdpi) and extra-high (drawable-xhdpi) sizes. The various sized low, medium, high and xhigh will scale automatically corresponding to dp-to-pixel ratio, thereby making it easier to scale your images for Android. The application accepts a single width and height in any of the size categories, so if you have created your initial image and you want it to only be a certain height for xhdpi size, but need to only have it 20 pixels wide for the ldpi, you can put in each of those dimensions and the rest will be calculated for you.
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