Dr.Ambedkar & Budhha's Websites Collection 정보
Lord Budhha와 Dr. Babashabeb Ambedkar의 모든 중요 웹 사이트 수집
Collection of All important National & International websites on Lord Budhha and Dr. Babashabeb Ambedkar
Websites Consists of
Government Websites On Babasaheb Ambedkar-
* Mea.gov.in
* drambedkarwritings.gov.in
* constitutionofindia.net
International Websites
Other Important websites
Mother Organisations
*tbsi.org.in(Buddhist society of india)
Websites on Lord Budhha -
*buddhisttemple.ca (International Buddhist Society)
*kadampa.org (International Buddhist Union)
*fpmt.org (Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition)
*ibcworld.org (International Buddhist Confederation )
*wfbhq.org (The World Fellowship of Buddhists)
Free Buddhist Materials