Dynamic Island 정보
응용 프로그램은 스마트 폰의 노치를 친숙하게 만드는 동적보기를 보여줍니다.
With Dynamic Island you can easily get the iPhone 14 Dynamic Island feature on your android device!
This app gives you Dynamic Island mini multitasking feature, making it easier to access recent notifications or phone status changes.
iPhone's Dynamic Island is not customizable, but dynamicSpot is! You can change interaction settings, select when to show or hide the dynamic spot / popup or which apps should appear.
As dynamicSpot uses Android's notification system it is compatible with almost all apps, like messaging notification, timer apps and even music apps!
Dynamic view make your front camera more beautiful.
Show the track info on Dynamic Island view when you play it in background and you can control it as PAUSE, NEXT, PREVIOUS.
Easy to see the notifications and do the actions on Dynamic Island view.
By swiping you can lock screen, do volume up down, take screenshot, you can do above actions on Menu layout showing on expanded Dynamic Island
ACCESSIBILITY_SERVICE to display dynamic view.
READ_NOTIFICATION to show media control or notifications on Dynamic view.
If you have any problem while using this application, please let us know we will check and update as soon as possible.
Thank you...!!