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This organizer makes sorting laundry an easy task. Tools hacksaw tape measure safety glasses Materials PVC primer mesh laundry bags PVC connectors PVC glue PVC tubing Introduction Prepare to Build Design the laundry organizer on paper before cutting the PVC tubing. The organizer in this example is 3' high, 3' long and 1' wide, with three sections for laundry. Feel free to use different measurements for your organizer. Step 1 Dry-Fit the Pieces Together Begin by dry-fitting the pieces of the organizer. For the long side on the bottom of the organizer, slide straight-L connectors onto 12" tubes, and fit the other ends of the L connectors into cross-slips to create the feet of the organizer. For the short sides, slide the tubes directly into the cross-slip. Slide straight pipes into the cross-slip pieces to create the uprights for the rack. Step 2 Glue Sections of the Organizer Together When the pieces are the correct size, secure the connections with PVC glue. Smear primer and cement around the ends of the pieces, and insert them into the connectors. Give the pieces one-quarter turn, and hold them in place for 15 seconds. After the glue cures, they cannot be removed. Assemble the separators using T connectors to connect the PVC tubes. Step 3 Hang Laundry Bags from Tubes Drill pilot holes 2" from each end of the upper PVC tubes on the side facing into the rack, and insert screws, leaving 1" of the head exposed. Then hang laundry bags from the screwheads. Want to know more ? Download this application now and get what you want here. worth to try and you will like it. simply share through any social media platforms. thank you for downloading. please enjoy and give us any feedback.