Easy Rangoli Design & Images 정보
Sakranthi, Onam, Pongal을위한 최신 쉽고 간편한 Rangoli 디자인 및 이미지
Latest collection of easy Rangoli Designs for everyday use and hand picked amazing categories for festivals like Makar Sakranthi, Onam, Diwali, Pongal, Tihar and many more.
These rangoli designs are simple, easy and doesn't take much time to draw. They can be drawn with dry flour in the front yard. Children can learn drawing rangoli with simple designs in this collection.
With amazing User Interface and unique designs this application has easy to share feature and option to make favorites list.
Collection is divided into some categories to easily browse the rangoli designs of your choice. categories included..
+ Alpana Rangoli Designs
+ Dotted Rangoli Designs
+ Free Hand Rangoli Designs
+ Flower Pattern Rangoli Designs
+ Peacock Rangoli Designs and many more..