스마트 커버 - Auto Screen On Off 정보
이 앱은 근접센서를 활용하여 자동으로 화면을 켜고 끌수 있습니다. (Auto Screen On Off)
위젯과 알림바는 더 쉽고 편하게 화면을 끄고 서비스를 컨트롤하며 화면회전 및 메모리정리까지 해줍니다.
이 앱은 타사 어플보다 강력하고 심플함을 자랑합니다.
★ ★ ★ Advanced Options
1. Auto launch after reboot
2. Notification is supported to quickly toggle the following functions.
- Sensor on / off
- Screen off and lock
- Rotation screen
- Memory clean
- Go home
3. Disable in landscape
- Sensor pause in landscape ( like Camera or Video )
4. Play sound when closed. ( Media Volume)
5. Play sound when opened. ( Media Volume)
6. Vibrate when closed
- Adjustable vibration intensity
7. Disable while plug headset
- In some devices, the noise can be prevented.
8. Disable if battery is low
- Low value is different for each mobile phone.
9. 센서 제외 앱
- 제외 앱 사용중에는 센서가 비활성화
10. 통화중 센서 비활성화
★ ★ ★ Delay On/Off Options
1. Screen off timeout value
2. Screen on timeout value
- 0 second : right now
- 0.5 second
- 1 second
- 2 second
- 3 second
- Never
★ ★ ★ Sleep Time Options
- Power-saving mode : during sleep time, Sensor stop.
1. Sleep Stop Time
- Sensor stop at the scheduled time.
2. Sleep Start Time
- Sensor restart at the scheduled time.
★ ★ ★ Notices
- To uninstall this app, Click Delete-Button at the top of the app.
- Or Setting ->Security -> Device administrators -> Unchecked the smart cover -> Try uninstall app
개발자 연락처 :
010 3305 ****
What's new in the latest
- Upgrade not working error in Exclude App
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- Google policy
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- Adjust the vibration intensity
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- Disable during a call
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- Exclude app
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- Play sound when opened (Media Volume)
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- Disable if battery is low
- Updated Taiwan language
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- Added Media Sound 8
- Added Taiwan language
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- Added Widget service (1x4)