Electrical Calculators 정보
전기 기사, 엔지니어 및 기술자를위한 자동화 도구를 제공합니다.
Electrical Calculators is a powerful automation tool which lets you perform calculations automatically. List of calculators:
*** Ohm's law calculator: Use this tool to calculate two of the quantities from voltage, current, resistance and power.
*** 4 & 5 Band resistor color coding calculator: You can easily find the value of 4 band carbon resistors using this tool.
*** Voltage divider calculator: Find the amount of potential drop across series resistors.
*** Current divider calculator: Find the amount of current divided across resistors.
*** Parallel resistors: Solve 2, 3, 4 or 5 resistors joined in parallel.
*** Parallel Inductors: Solve 2, 3, 4, or, 5 resistors in parallel configuration.
*** Series capacitors: Solve 2, 3, 4, or, 5 series capacitors.
*** Resonant frequency calculation: Enter the values of capacitance, inductance and resistance to calculate resonance frequency, series damping factor, and parallel damping factor.
*** Ceramic capacitors coding: Enter 3 letters to calculate the value of ceramic capacitors.
*** Temperature conversion calculator: Covert temperature between different scales from Kelvin, Fahrenheit, and Celcius.
*** Prefixes: Convert from nano to atto, or from femto to pico, or from mega to yotta.
*** Digital numbers: Convert between binary, hexadecimal, decimal, and octal.
*** Electricity bill calculator: Calculate the bill due to different electronics.
*** Power calculator: Calculate the power from voltage, current, power factors and current type.
*** Energy: Calculate the energy from power and time.
*** kVA to Amps: Calculate the current from voltage and kVA.
*** kVA Calculation: Calculate the kVA from voltage and current.
*** Current from power: Calculate the amount of current flowing from power.
*** 3 Phase Induction motor calculation: Calculate the amount of current along with RLA and FLA values for induction motor.
Basics formulas and electrical charts on following topics:
*** Ohm's law
*** Voltage formula
*** Current formula
*** 4 Band Color coding
*** 5 Band Color coding
*** Prefixes
*** SI units
*** Electrical symbols
*** Solid copper gauge