elr 정보
전자로드 영수증 사본
How LR has become easy?
E-LR has now become digitalized which will immensely reduced work load manually. e-Lr has become digital and handy no need of paper work no need of travelling to handing over the LR COPY. Now you can raise and send the LR digitally through the Mobile App or Desktop to the registered Mobile Number or company Email Id.
How to Use e-Lr
Transporters have to fill up there own details as per mentioned on the site and then start using the service which is very easy, once after signing-up to e-Lr as a transporters, transporters has to fill in the details of consignor and consignee with their Email I’d and Phone Numbers on which they will receive e-Lr copies after creating. The consignee will receive a link once the material is delivered asking for the confirmation and accepting it, after accepting to the link the link will be sent to the transporter for generating the Transportation bill to the consignor this will allow transporters to raise the bill in quick time without any delay in submitting bill. This idea of developing e-Lr is to make work easy and quick through digitalization.