Enable Tethering 정보
휴대 전화에서 숨겨진 테 더링 및 핫스팟을 켭니다
1. What is Tethering and Hotspot?
The Tethering function of the mobile phone is to share the 4G or Wifi Internet connection via Wifi, Bluetooth or USB.
2. Why are some phones without Tethering?
*Carrier does not want users to use the Tethering feature of the phone, and hopes that users will spend more money to purchase a separate data plan.
* Mobile phone manufacturers are blocking this feature on low-end phones, hoping users can purchase more expensive and more advanced phones.
3. What is Enable Tethering?
Enable Tethering turns on Tethering and Hotspot on your phone, and even carriers or manufacturers have hidden this feature.
4. How to use Enable Tethering?
Very simple, click on "Enable Tethering" to open the Hotspot settings.
There are value Unlimited Data Plans
T-Mobile Magenta Plus , $85/month
Sprint Unlimited Plus Family , $100/month
Metro by T-Mobile $50 Unlimited , $50/month
Visible $40 Unlimited Plan , $40/month
Verizon Do More Unlimited , $80/month
Sprint Unlimited Premium , $70/month
AT&T Unlimited &More Premium , $80/month