RaterPRO 새로운 가정 에너지 검사가 자신의 일을하는 데 도움이 응용 프로그램입니다.
ENERGY STAR™ RaterPRO offers a new way for the HERS rating industry to record site inspections and quickly import field changes back into rating files. RaterPRO makes high quality ratings achievable by any HERS Rater.
With RaterPRO, you can:
· Import energy rating files from REM/Rate and Ekotrope energy modeling software
· Create HERS-only and ENERGY STAR jobs
· Record rich data from pre-drywall and final inspections
· Make edits to energy modeling values
· Log performance test results like duct leakage and infiltration
· Capture notes and photos
· Send corrections reports to builders
· Export jobs back into energy modeling software, and recalculate the HERS score
· Submit jobs to a Provider for quality assurance review
Note: RaterPRO requires a My ENERGY STAR Account. Contact [email protected] to get started.