english speaking Course- 51 hr 정보
Every Hours Learn Something New At Home ... Do N'ti Invest Your Money for English
The app covers the entire spectrum of spoken English from pronunciation to conversation and from recitation to public speaking.
It is designed to serve as a practical guide to help speak English effectively.
Major salient features include: covers all aspects of pronunciation and public speaking, caters to specific needs and requirements of learners of English as a second language, easy-to-understand style, plenty of learner-tested practice material, numerous specimens, examples and illustrations.
The app is suitable for individual self-improvement.
Categeory like
* पहले घंटे (First Hour)
Basic usage of 'I'm'
Grammar (व्याकरण)
Fruits Name (फलों के नाम)
Antonyms and Synonyms (विलोम और समानार्थक)
Vegetable Name (सब्जियों के नाम)
Spice/utensils/Food Grains (स्पाइस / बर्तन / अनाज)
Important Words (महत्वपूर्ण शब्द)
Conversation (बातचीत)
1000 Most Common Phrases (A)
1500 Most Common Words (A)
* दूसरे घंटे (Second Hours)
Variations of 'I'm in/at/on' का प्रयोग
Grammar (व्याकरण)
Fruits Name (फलों के नाम)
Antonyms and Synonyms (विलोम और समानार्थक)
Vegetable Name (सब्जियों के नाम)
Spice/utensils/Food Grains (स्पाइस / बर्तन / अनाज)
Important Words (महत्वपूर्ण शब्द)
Conversation (बातचीत)
1000 Most Common Phrases (B)
1500 Most Common Words (B)
* तीसरे घंटे (Third Hours)
I'm good at का प्रयोग
Grammar (व्याकरण)
Fruits Name (फलों के नाम)
Antonyms and Synonyms (विलोम और समानार्थक)
Vegetable Name (सब्जियों के नाम)
Spice/utensils/Food Grains (स्पाइस / बर्तन / अनाज)
Important Words (महत्वपूर्ण शब्द)
Conversation (बातचीत)
1000 Most Common Phrases (C)
1500 Most Common Words (C)
* चौथें घंटे (Fourth Hours)
I'm + (verb) का प्रयोग
Grammar (व्याकरण)
Fruits Name (फलों के नाम)
Antonyms and Synonyms (विलोम और समानार्थक)
Vegetable Name (सब्जियों के नाम)
Spice/utensils/Food Grains (स्पाइस / बर्तन / अनाज)
Important Words (महत्वपूर्ण शब्द)
Conversation (बातचीत)
1000 Most Common Phrases (D)
1500 Most Common Words (D)
* पांचवें घंटे (Fifth Hours)
I'm getting का प्रयोग
Grammar (व्याकरण)
Fruits Name (फलों के नाम)
Antonyms and Synonyms (विलोम और समानार्थक)
Vegetable Name (सब्जियों के नाम)
Spice/utensils/Food Grains (स्पाइस / बर्तन / अनाज)
Important Words (महत्वपूर्ण शब्द)
Conversation (बातचीत)
1000 Most Common Phrases (E)
1500 Most Common Words (E)
Feature of This App :--
-It Is Free App..
-You Can Run & Read This App Offline Also
So, Don't Waste Your important Time Here And There Download This...
We hope That, It is helpful To You.and your Friends
What's new in the latest 10.0.0
Basic usage of 'I'm'
Grammar (व्याकरण)
Fruits Name (फलों के नाम)
Antonyms and Synonyms (विलोम और समानार्थक)
* दूसरे घंटे (Second Hours)
Variations of 'I'm in/at/on' का प्रयोग
Grammar (व्याकरण)
Fruits Name (फलों के नाम)
Antonyms and Synonyms (विलोम और समानार्थक)
* तीसरे घंटे (Third Hours)
I'm good at का प्रयोग
Grammar (व्याकरण)
Fruits Name (फलों के नाम)