Escape from the music room 정보
내 친구는 문화 축제에서 리얼 탈출 게임 개최 될 가능성이 높습니다.
#Story :My friend is likely to be held
Real Escape Game at cultural festival.
I have been asked to test play of the Real Escape Game.
I gladly undertook!
###Please set so the sound can be heard.###
#Difficulty : Easy or Normal
#Ending pattern : 2
#How To Play : Game operation only tap.
Tap : Search / Select item
- Some items can be used with other items
Double tap : Magnify item
triangle icon :Move / Back / Close item
- It is run by tapping the triangle icon
Config : Save or adjust the sound
- It is run by tapping the Inverse gear icon
- Auto save not