EthioList 정보
Ethiolist는 디아스포라의 글로벌 에티오피아 비즈니스 디렉토리 앱입니다.
The App provides an easy way to find Ethiopian businesses and service providers in the global diaspora. You can search by entering a keyword, region, category or name to search the Business Directory.
Discover Ethiopian businesses in every major city in the world. A simple search provide you full detail, location, telephone number and map of the location.
The App also provides available Room-To-Rent or Room-To-Share locations in every city. If you are a land lord advertising your rentals is easy by submitting it through the APP.
We are in every major city - DC - New York- LA - Dallas - Atlanta - Seattle - San Francisco - Toronto - London - Paris - Rome - Nairobi - Capetown - Dubai and several other cities. The list is growing everyday as new businesses are added to our state of the art cloud based database.
Our directory of Ethiopian churches and religious organizations in the diaspora is the largest collection in the world.
Ethiolist app also provides business review services to educate and inform clients on the best service providers ranging from top Immigration Lawyers to authentic Ethiopian restaurants.
Do you have a business? It is easy to signup and list your business in the directory with in few minutes.
Use GPS to locate places on the Map
Businesses Categorized by location and business type
Allows users to post their business information and more.