Expositor's Study Bible 정보
익스 포지의 성경 주석 - 당신의 성경 공부에 유용한 도구
The Gold Medallion Award–winning Expositor’s Bible Commentary is a major contribution to the study and understanding of the Scriptures.
The Expositor's Bible is one of the most-recognized standards of expository commentaries. It was written by twenty-nine eminent scholars of the day who were also full-time preachers. These writers also represent every important branch of Protestantism. The Expositor's Study Bible may thus be regarded as an inter-denominational exposition. It conclusively demonstrates the hearty agreement of all thoughtful persons on the profound realities and essentials of the Christian Faith. It shows how this Faith is to be preached with the conviction and persuasiveness which its opulent gospel justly merits.