Extra Utilities for MCPE 정보
Extra Utilities for MCPE adds an assortment of random items and blocks.
Extra Utilities for MCPE adds an assortment of random items and blocks that can be very useful: low-lag pumps and quarries, power/fluid/item transport pipes, automation, storage (item and liquid), decoration, mob traps and farming, building, and much more. It provides alternative RF generators that consume fuel ranging from normal coal/charcoal to food, nether stars and even pink dye. It also provides assistance for those playing on peaceful, with a peaceful mode only crafting recipe for nether stars added.
Another utility the mod provides is compressing cobblestone, sand, gravel and dirt. Cobblestone can be compressed 8 times with Septuple and Octuple Compressed cobblestone being resistant to the Wither. Dirt is compressible 4x whereas sand and gravel are only compressible twice.
The mod also provides low-lag alternatives to the Quarry and Pump through the Ender Quarry and Ender-Thermic Pump respectively. It also adds a low-lag fast cobblestone generator alternative, in the form of a Transfer Node with a Mining Upgrade. One of the secondary objectives of the mod appears to be to provide an alternative method of doing various normally high lag tasks, in an efficient a manner as possible.
The mod adds a new dimension: The Deep Dark – designed for mining, with vanilla ores spawning at 2x rates. Be Warned! In the Deep Dark darkness is damaging. Mobs can spawn at all light levels in the Deep Dark, although Magnum Torchs and Chandeliers will prevent spawning as normal.