FarmSmart NZ 정보
FarmSmart 뉴질랜드는 데스크탑 및 모바일 플랫폼 모두에서 온라인 시스템입니다.
FarmSmart New Zealand is an online system in both desktop and mobile platforms that enables cattle, sheep and deer farmers in New Zealand to record their on-farm activities to demonstrate safe and sustainable work practices.
FarmSmart New Zealand includes smart tools that will help farmers manage their on farm QA program, potentially avoiding product quality issues and improving on farm efficiency.
FarmSmart New Zealand’s Farm Policy Document is a live record of many on-farm policies and practices, streamlining the farm audit process by demonstrating compliance to standards. The Farm Policy Document automatically includes information from:
• People Matrix (skills and competencies)
• Animal Mortality Records
• Animal and paddock treatment records
FarmSmart New Zealand includes a Remote Verification report which summarises important aspects of the farm audit. This information can be reviewed remotely saving time and money in the farm audit process.
The system includes chemical application records applied to pastures or stockfeed. Application records are checked against industry guidelines and label rates. Pasture withholding periods are calculated from these records.
FarmSmart New Zealand includes a stock treatment recording function that calculates withholding periods for both milk and meat.
Both the paddock and animal chemical treatment system are supported by a database of the chemicals used by farmers and their agents.