Flash On Call 정보
통화 및 SMS에 가장 적합한 무료 플래시, 플래시 경고 손전등 알림 경고 앱
Enable calling flashlight for incoming free calling apps & for incoming free texting app. Best free Brightest flash on call and SMS flashlight alerts application. Flashlight on call alerts you when you receive international incoming call & text free. When device ring or receive free text and call app fast blinking flashlight will notify you.
Now you never miss any important Call. Free flicker alerts, free calls/free sms or call in dark night even mobile phone is in Vibrate or silent mode. Flashlight alert enables android phone’s camera flash for notifications alerts on call & sms
- When you receive a call, new text message, the flash will blink.
- You can regulate blinking frequency.
- You can set up blinking with ON/OFF in detail.