Flavor360 EXPLORE 정보
풍미 경험을 한 번에 1 바이트 씩 캡처 및 공유
Imagine a R&D platform to collaborate with your global F&B innovation team to save time, improve data quality, and capture their tribal knowledge into one database. The Flavor360° suite of apps and web-based FlavorSite are used as tools by the Food & Beverage industry’s Marketers, R&D Chefs, Product Developers, and Food Scientists to curate, document, archive and share the 360 degree flavor experience at every stage of the R&D process.
Use our game changing tools to efficiently save your food experiences as they happen, whether you’re out in the field or in the kitchen. Find an end to misplaced paperwork and time-consuming data input. Improve your R&D workflow with Flavor360°’s data management.
Flavor360 EXPLORE enables your organization to get maximum ROI for your team’s F&B expenses when on the road researching your products, menu offerings, competitors, customers and consumers. Collect better data by guiding your team to capture structured multimedia data to easily filter, search and find when you need it. Select templates such as: Daily Flavors, Quick Culinary Capture, Food Tour and Trend Research, Food Conference & Expo, Comparative Evaluation and Next Big Idea.