Food Carving 정보
carved food that shows
Nowadays not infrequently at a wedding or festival we meet a work of art that comes from various fruits or vegetables are carved and arranged in such a way that looks very beautiful.
Yes that's fruit carving and vegetable carving that is rampant today. Not only fruits and vegetables, but any food can also be an object for carving.
Actually the fruit and vegetables that already have their own beauty. But when they are carved or treated in different ways they will look much more beautiful.
In fact, sometimes they look like no fruit or vegetables that we know before, because they become another form that is more beautiful and amazing.
In the process it takes time and special ability, but anyone can do it from study and struggle hard. besides special skill, in engraving you must have idea and patience. if not then it will not create an interesting engraving. have much to learn in using knives. most people fail because they are impatient and meticulous. so you must be careful and patient in order to get a satisfactory carving result.