Forest guards Keyboard Theme
Forest guards Keyboard Theme 정보
Forest guards TouchPal Theme by Gradient Themes
Thank you for your interest in the Forest guards skin for TouchPal created by Gradient Themes.
Forest guards.
The first thing you can see in this dark sage colored TouchPal skin is the simplicity of its muse - earth, grass and trees.
I like trees because they seem more resigned to the way they have to live than other things do.
Passing the test for being a marvelous color, grass has proved to be one of the few that can remit security, so you're in luck, because it predominates this TouchPal theme!
All over your phone there's a coat of "boring"? Don't panic, there's still hope! The "Forest guards" TouchPal theme is so awesome it will transform your device and make it amazing! Take it right away!
*** How to Apply this TouchPal skin ***
1. Open "Forest guards TouchPal" after installation
2. Drag the center circle to the "Apply theme" circle on top
The artistic background used in the screenshots is for presentation purposes only and it does not come with this skin.
Your ratings and comments are appreciated.
We included the free font Droid Sans Bold by Ascender Corporation, http://www.ascendercorp.com/.