free convert talk to text App 정보
당신은 텍스트 응용 프로그램에 무료로 대화를 변환하여 쉽게 대화를 텍스트로 변환 할 수 있습니다
Free convert talk to text is an application to convert your speech to written text.
It's free and easy to use and through convert talk to text App, You can convert your talk to written message.
1-simple layout to convert talk to text.
2-you can convert the talk rapidly and accurately and use the text anywhere
3-copy converted text to clipboard and paste it anywhere
4-share the text with other Apps like facebook and instagram
5-the free convert talk to text support all language according to system language
how to use the free convert talk to text?
just click on the middle button and when you hear a voice, start speak
when you finish your talk, You will see the text in the editor.
the language of layout ?
English only.