Free Learn Excel VBA in 3hrs 정보
무료 3 시간에 엑셀 VBA를 알아보기 비디오 코스
Free Learn Excel VBA in 3hrs
video course
- Introducing object-oriented programming
- Examining the Excel object model
-Working in the Visual Basic editor
- Setting VBA project properties
- Creating, exporting, and deleting code modules
- Creating a subroutine or function
- Controlling procedure scope and visibility
- Adding comments to the code
- Running a VBA routine
- Adding code to a recorded macro
- Introducing Excel VBA data types
- Declaring variables and requiring declaration before use
- Managing variable scope
- Defining static variables and constants
- Creating a calculation using mathematical operators
- Defining arrays
- Defining and using object variables
- Streamlining code references using With...End With statements
- Repeating a task using a For...Next loop
- Stepping through all items of a collection using a For...Each loop
- Repeating a task with a Do loop
- Performing a task when conditions are met using If...Then
- Selecting which action to take using a Case statement
- Managing errors using On Error statements
- Stepping through a subroutine or function
- Setting breakpoints in the code
- Verifying output using the Immediate window
- Watching a value in a routine
- Writing a value to a cell
- Cutting, copying, and pasting cell data
- Finding values in cells
- Referring to cells using the Offset function
- Concatenating text strings
- Returning part of a string
- Managing worksheets with VBA
- Managing workbooks with VBA
- Turning off screen updating within a macro
- Using worksheet functions in a macro
- Acquiring values using an input box or message box
- Calling a subroutine from another subroutine
- Running a procedure when you open, close, or save a workbook
- Running a procedure when a cell range changes
- Triggering a procedure using a specific key sequence
VBA Excel Guide
Learn MS Excel VBA